Nyheder fra Kongens Lyngby

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Job tilbydes:
Er du en erfaren og engageret butikschef med en passion for at udvikle et stærkt team og motivere dem til at nå og overgå deres mål? Tror du på førsteklasses kundeservice og at give enhver kunde en enestående shopping oplevelse? Så kan du blive vores næste nye butikschef! SKECHERS fortsætter med at vokse i Danmark, og vi er glade for at kunne annoncere åbningen af vores nye SKECHERS konceptbutik i Lyngby Storcenter i oktober 2024! Vi søger en engageret og selvkørende Butikschef, der skal sikre, at vi kommer godt fra start og bliver en succes.     Om Jobbet: Med reference til vores distriktschef får du ansvaret for at lede og drive vores konceptbutik i Lyngby Storcenter. Din fornemmeste opgave er at drive salget og udvikle og motivere dine medarbejdere, så I sammen kan realisere det potentiale, som vi ved butikken har!      Du skal sikre, at I fastholder en stærk salgs- og serviceydelse, og at I sammen altid stræber efter at skabe succes ud fra daglige og månedlige mål.   Vi forventer at du indgår i teamet og deltager aktivt i opgaverne på gulvet i det daglige. Du er indstillet på at butikkens arbejdstider også inkluderer weekendvagter hver anden weekend og at det er naturligt for dig at være i butikken i spidsbelastningsperioderne.   Stillingen indeholder administrative opgaver som f.eks. vagtplanlægning og månedlige rapporteringer. Du vil modtage dybdegående træning i den brede SKECHERS kollektion, vores koncept og vores forretningsgange - og vi forventer, at du sikrer at dit salgsteam altid har et højt niveau af service og produktviden, og følger vores guidelines.   Om dig: Du kommer med en solid erfaring som butikschef, gerne indenfor sko- eller sportsbranchen. Du er god til at skabe kontakt til kunderne og lytte til deres behov og du brænder for at give den bedste oplevelse, når de er i din butik.   Som leder er det naturligt for dig at motivere og inspirere dit team, så I sammen opnår de bedste resultater. Vi forventer at du helt naturligt indgår i teamet og at du på daglig basis aktivt er involveret i opgaverne på gulvet.   Derudover er det vigtigt for os at: Du er positiv og imødekommende med god energi og entusiasme. Du tager initiativ og bidrager med ideer til hvordan vi kan sikre endnu mere vækst. Du er god til at planlægge og prioritere i forhold til driften af din butik. Du sætter en ære i at have en ren og trimmet butik. Du har evne og lyst til at agere inden for et veldefineret butikskoncept. Du har en naturlig interesse i at opnå stor produktviden og være ambassadør for SKECHERS’ brede udvalg af fantastiske produkter. Du er fortrolig med vagtplanlægningssystemer. Vi bruger SameSystem og Sitoo.   Vi tilbyder: Du bliver en del af en succesfuld international virksomhed i rivende udvikling, og kommer til at arbejde med et af verdens største skomærker. Vi driver butikken ud fra et stærkt koncept, hvor fundamentet er lagt for, at du og dit team opnår succes.   Gode karriere- og udviklingsmuligheder i form af kompetenceudvikling indenfor ledelse, salgs- og produkttræning.   Grundig oplæring der sikrer, at du er i stand til at løse dine alsidige opgaver, som salg, konceptstyring, vare- og lagerstyring, bemandingsplanlægning, indrapportering/budgetopfølgning, personaleansættelse og -udvikling.   Pensionsordning og Sundhedsforsikring.   Er du interesseret? Så upload din motiverede ansøgning og CV hurtigst muligt. Vi holder samtaler løbende, så send din ansøgning allerede i dag. Yderligere oplysninger om jobbet fås hos: District Manager René på telefon: +45 2811 5878   Vi gør opmærksom på at du alene kan søge jobbet via "Ansøg" linket og at vi IKKE modtager CV og ansøgninger på mail!   Se vores andre spændende ledige stillinger hos SKECHERS her: https://skechers.dk/pages/ledige-stillinger   Om SKECHERS: SKECHERS er verdens 3. største skomærke, med hovedsæde i Manhattan Beach, Californien. Med over 5.200 konceptbutikker globalt, tilbyder SKECHERS et bredt udvalg indenfor lifestyle- og performancesko, tøj og tilbehør til både damer, herrer og børn. Salget af SKECHERS i Norden varetages af SKECHERS’ datterselskab Sports Connection, fra det nordiske hovedkontor i Esbjerg, Danmark, hvor vi beskæftiger over 420 medarbejdere. Der er i dag ca. 180 shop-in-shops, 4 online shops, samt 62 konceptbutikker i de nordiske lande, og dette antal forventes at stige over de kommende år. Derudover føres SKECHERS hos et stærkt netværk af ca. 1.800 forhandlere indenfor sko- og sportsbranchen i hele Norden. Du kan læse mere på www.sportsconnection.dk
Skechers Lyngby
Indrykket 26. juli på JobNet
Job tilbydes:
Postdoctoral Researcher – Modelling Habitat Suitability in Coastal Areas - DTU Aqua
We invite you to apply for a position targeting research and innovation in the field of habitat modelling.  As a postdoctoral researcher, you will play a crucial role in developing modelling tools for habitat restoration, with a specific emphasis on biogenic reefs, seagrass meadows, biodiversity, and invasive species in a dynamically changing ecosystem under Climate Change pressure. Responsibilities and qualifications The applicant will mainly be involved in the BlueBioClimate project  (2023-2026) focusing on Climate adjusted tools for a sustainable blue economy in Kattegat-Skagerrak, but will also collaborate with the Danish Centre for Marine Restoration  and three other projects linked to biogenic reef and eelgrass restoration: COASTal LIFE , BioReef ,and Marine Mitigation Measures  You are expected to improve our capacity for conducting relevant research within the field of habitat modelling, disseminate the results in scientific journals as well as in public media, give advice to policy makers and other relevant authorities as well as foster innovation in cooperation with the industry.  We expect that you will be a driver and strengthen the modelling expertise within the Coastal Ecology section and foster connections between its two research groups: i) Sustainable Resource Utilisation (based in Nykøbing Mors) and ii) Environmental Impact and Habitat (based at the main campus in Lyngby. By doing so, we foresee an expansion of this field in our section with development of future projects. Current research and development activities in the section include major aquaculture and restoration projects in the coastal zone affected by many pressure factors.  As a formal qualification, you must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in the field of e.g. environmental science, ecology or related fields of marine biology or geography.  We are seeking candidates who possess the following qualifications and skills: Strong Modelling Expertise: Proficiency in developing species distribution models. Experience applying spatial prioritization approaches within marine ecosystems. Competence in spatial, ecological and connectivity modelling. Advanced Knowledge and Experience:  Demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: Geospatial Data Management: Efficiently handling and analyzing geospatial data. Hydrodynamic Models: using models for connectivity analysis. Statistical Analysis & methods. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Applying GIS tools for spatial analysis. Innovative Approach: A strong commitment to innovative research, both in advancing scientific knowledge and in developing practical tools for management authorities. Science-to-Action Translation: Experience translating conservation science into actionable outcomes. Familiarity with working at the science-policy interface. Collaboration Skills: Ability to contribute effectively to internal and external collaborations. Comfortable working across interdisciplinary teams. Fundraising Ability: Demonstrated capability to attract funding for research initiatives. Personal Competencies Flexibility: Adaptability to quickly grasp new topics and tasks. Willingness to embrace change and navigate dynamic research environments. Organizational Skills: Rigorous and dedicated approach to work and task management. Reliability in meeting deadlines and commitments. Team Player: A collaborative mindset, actively contributing to the team’s success. Solution-oriented approach to supporting colleagues within DTU Aqua . Key Responsibilities As a Postdoctoral Researcher in this role, your responsibilities include: Research Program Development: Develop and shape your own research program aligned with the BlueBioClimate, Coastal Life, BioReef  and Marine Mitigation Measures projects and complementary initiatives e.g. Danish Centre for Marine Restoration. Publication Leadership: Lead the preparation of at least three high-quality research papers  within your specialized area. Grant Applications: Actively participate in grant applications related to habitat modelling to develop this line of research further. Ideation and Project Development: Contribute innovative ideas to enhance project outcomes. Project Engagement: Engage in project outreach, prepare reports, facilitate workshops, and deliver project milestones and deliverables. Collaboration: Collaborate with fellow team members, including mentoring students, sharing expertise, and problem-solving within your domain. Outreach : Actively engaged in the research groups dissemination and teaching activities that include dissemination to a broader audience as schoolchildren and visitors. Converting conservation science into actionable outcomes for management authorities. We offer Join our dynamic research community at DTU Aqua and make a meaningful impact on marine conservation and contribute to shaping a sustainable blue economy. DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.  Salary and terms of employment  The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed upon with the relevant union. The period of employment is 2 years starting October 1st 2024 or as soon as possible.  You can read more about career paths at DTU here http://www.dtu.dk/english/about/job-and-career/working-at-dtu/career-paths. Further information  Further information may be obtained from Head of section Jens Kjerulf Petersen, jekjp@aqua.dtu.dk , +45 96690283 or senior scientist Camille Saurel, csau@aqua.dtu.dk  +45 61150162. You can read more about DTU Aqua and the DSC research group on www.aqua.dtu.dk and https://coast.dtu.dk/english If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on working in Denmark and at DTU at DTU – Moving to Denmark . Application procedure  Your complete online application must be submitted no later than 18 August 2024 (23:59 Danish time) .  Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply now", fill out the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one PDF file . The file must include: Application (cover letter) CV Academic Diplomas (MSc/PhD – in English) List of publications  Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply. DTU Aqua – National Institute of Aquatic Resources – works for well-functioning oceans, rivers, and lakes where biodiversity can thrive. Our research, advisory service, and education contribute to the development of a sustainable blue bioeconomy, robust aquatic ecosystems, and reduced effects of climate change. We have a large national and international network and cooperate with research partners, public authorities, industry, and NGOs. We have state-of-the-art research facilities and Denmark’s only ocean- and arctic-going research vessel. The Institute has 360 employees, one-half being scientific staff, including 50 PhD students. More than 35 nationalities are represented at the Institute, and we support an equal gender distribution. We are located in Lyngby, Hirtshals, Nykøbing Mors, and Silkeborg and have regular activities in Greenland. Learn more on aqua.dtu.dk Section for Coastal Ecology conducts research within the ecology of the coastal zone from nutrient dynamics to fish as well as the coastal zone as a fishing ground and production area for low-trophic aquaculture. Our core research areas are aquaculture of low-trophic species i.e. bivalves and seaweed, fisheries and effects of fishery and seaweed collection in the coastal zone, marine habitats, and their importance in the coastal zone for biodiversity and fish. The results of the research are largely translated into practice through advice to public management and the industry. We have a strong national and international collaboration network of universities, research institutions, and industry. Technology for people DTU develops technology for people. With our international elite research and study programmes, we are helping to create a better world and to solve the global challenges formulated in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Hans Christian Ørsted founded DTU in 1829 with a clear mission to develop and create value using science and engineering to benefit society. That mission lives on today. DTU has 13,500 students and 6,000 employees. We work in an international atmosphere and have an inclusive, evolving, and informal working environment. DTU has campuses in all parts of Denmark and in Greenland, and we collaborate with the best universities around the world.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Indrykket 26. juli på JobNet
Indryk gratis dine annoncer på Bilhandel.dk, Retro-app.dk, Ridr.dk og Handyhand.dk